Being a Green Yogini

hese days, we are urgently looking for healthy and “green” alternatives to our common daily practices – from simply deciding to install a water filter in our homes to purchasing organic materials for our clothing and our home cleaning items. Making “green” choices are more available to us than ever before.

[post-img]As yoga students, we are keenly attuned to the value of finding a balance of mind and body. In turn, we aim to have our surroundings reflect what our minds seek – harmony and balance. One of the first places we can make a “green” choice is in our yoga supplies. From mats to straps and clothing, there are a number of alternative materials for us to choose from.

Cork has become a popular material for yoga blocks. As a yoga block, it offers a non-slip surface, which aids in keeping moist hands from slipping. Hemp is a natural fiber that been used for yoga straps, and it is both durable and eco-friendly. It has been proven to be an excellent choice for its ease of stretch and woven strength.

[tip-fact]People have increasingly become sensitive to petroleum, which has often been used in the manufacturing of yoga mats. Yoga mats are now being made from new materials, such as cotton and recycled rubber, which are touted for their spongy spring. They add more comfort and stability, and are free from the toxic additives that are used in production.

[b-quote]Buckwheat is an alternate filler for bolsters and cushions because it is grown without toxic pesticides. Then there is bamboo, which has become a popular sustainable product that is frequently used in yoga blocks, mats and clothing. This trend is being reflected by leading designers of yoga clothing, who are using a combination of bamboo and cotton for their yoga pants, t-shirts and jackets.

Finding ways to increase your “green” awareness can be as simple as choosing your next yoga t-shirt, strap or mat. And because of its increasing popularity, you are sure to find a varied selection in many department and specialty stores.