Blog Archives

Megan McDonough: Yoga with Seniors ~ Part 1

Francesca Silva

Megan McDonough, the award-winning author of Infinity in a Box: Using Yoga to Live with Ease, is an established yoga instructor who is on the faculty of the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Advanced Training. She teaches yoga to seniors at Listening, the Barre Integrated Health Center in Massachusetts.

We at YogaHub recently had the opportunity to interview Megan about her unique experience of sharing yoga with...

Shantha Sri – A Spiritual Journey

Francesca Silva

In our last newsletter, Shantha Sri, a Buddhist yogi and healing music artist who will be one of our speakers for YogaHub’s next Virtual World Conference, “Yoga, Meditation and the Philosopher’s Stone ” from February 8-11, 2011, took us on his journey towards becoming a healing music artist.

During his early years, Shantha was able to discover his own unique musical voice by mindfully becoming aware of how certain sounds, tones and frequencies brought...

New Vibrations of Shantha Sri

Francesca Silva

We’re well on our way with our preparations for our second Virtual World Conference, “Yoga, Meditation, and the Philosopher’s Stone”, which will be held February 8-12, 2011. Next year’s conference will be dedicated to enhancing your inner practice and we’re working hard to line up a list of top-notch speakers from around the world who will share their wisdom, expertise and techniques with you.

One of our speakers is Shantha Sri, a Buddhist yogi and healing music artist...

YogaHub Interviews Glenn Wollman ~ Part 1

YogaHub recently had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing Dr. Glenn Wollman, a Medical Guide who helps people make difficult medical decisions using an integrative, holistic approach focused on the individual’s unique medical, social, spiritual, and psychological make-up. Glenn helps individuals regain and maintain a balanced healthy life by addressing very specific categories learned through years of experience and working in collaboration with healers around the world.

Glenn has always been at the leading edge of medicine, helping...

YogaHub’s Interview with Jennifer Reis on Yoga Nidra

Francesca Silva
1. What made you choose to focus your practice on Yoga Nidra?

The dean of yoga at Kripalu Center invited me to teach a Yoga Nidra workshop as part of our curriculum. I began intensive practice and study of Yoga Nidra and soon realized that it’s the practice that everyone needs right now. Not only are there incredible health benefits because your body comes into its healing state, but it is a serious path of awakening. Students...

YogaHub Interviews Glenn Wollman ~ Part 2

Continued from Part I of Glenn's interview...

In Emergency medicine, he dealt with the immediate crisis and saw humanity at its best and worst, which gave him a unique perspective of the human body and mind. Now, as a Medical Guide, he deals with the entire spectrum of health rather than just the immediate crisis, although there have been cases where he’s had to deal with a specific crisis. He recently...

A Tribute to Breast Cancer Survivors ~ Part 2

Francesca Silva

Continued from Part I of Beverly's interview...

Cancer completely changed Beverly’s mindset and prompted her to start studying oriental medicine. She graduated in 1994 from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine with a Masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and took the medical board exam for the State of California, as well as a National board exam so that she would be licensed to practice in any State....

A Tribute to Breast Cancer Survivors ~ Part 1

Francesca Silva

Beverly Driver is a certified acupuncturist, Pilates and Gigong practitioner who is also a breast cancer survivor. Recently, Beverly had a chat with YogaHub about how she dealt with her diagnosis and what she learned about herself in the process.

When Beverly was 36 years old, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a biopsy. While she was still under anesthesia, the surgeon went out to the waiting room and informed her husband that Beverly had breast...

Megan McDonough: Yoga with Seniors ~ Part 2

Continued from Part I of Megan's interview...

YH: Can you give us an example of a “typical” yoga class?

Megan: We usually start the class by centering ourselves. We sit in a chair and focus on breathing and just being aware of our body, mind, and emotions. Then we transition into gentle movements, going through each joint in the body from head to toe. I call this a “joint-freeing” series of...

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