Tag Archives: trust your intuition


Anatara Buckley
What do you believe in? What do your beliefs do for you? Does it feel like your beliefs help you? If you changed some of your beliefs, would it change your life? It is so comforting to have something to believe in. It is so rewarding to believe that we know what to do, and that we are making an accurate and valid decision. When there is a strong 'reason' behind a choice, we feel...
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Let This Day Shape you

Anatara Buckley
Let this day shape you, and bring forth cooperation with whatever is required to make things flow… I was ‘thinking’ about what I needed to ‘do’ today… I was ‘thinking’ about how it ‘should’ go… I was ‘thinking’ about how to manage the timing of the things that I felt I needed to accomplish… And I realized that all this ‘thinking’ required an awful lot of energy… Continue Reading: Let This Day Shape you