
Prescription Drugs and Our Health

Christina Souza Ma

Prescription-Drugs.JPGThe other day I was taken aback when one of my family members told me he was on high blood pressure medication – in fact, four members of my family were.

I remembered as a teenager being told that high blood pressure was genetic in our bloodline. My father had passed away from a heart attack – not from his first one, but from the last of several attacks he had had over the years.

I remember worrying “Is it truly genetic? What does that mean for me? I am always sick already, so will this make me even more susceptible in my adult life?

What does a teenager know at that age? Since I was already always sick and regularly on some sort of medication, I questioned everything to do with health.

Well, the years went by and I became focused on one very important goal – to change what I was told I was destined for. At first, my thoughts went along the lines of “why live if I am going to be ill all the time?” Then I realized that I had to take responsibility for my own health by gaining some knowledge and insight. Western medicine wasn’t doing anything to help me. In fact, I knew somewhere deep inside me (that little voice that speaks to all of us if we choose to listen) that I was overdosing on too many drugs.

So I began to reach my goal by exercising. Running long distances, Nautilus training, playing racketball – you name it, I did it. Exercising was not that easy because I was dealing with severe asthma. But I persevered.

When I’d saved up enough money, I went to Asia on a quest to find out more about Chinese medicine – herbs and acupuncture and whatever else I could encounter in the forms of natural remedies. I wanted to learn to be aware of what could affect my body and my clarity.

So far, so good. I have been able to circumvent ingesting many drugs. Out of my whole family, I am the only one who’s not on any medication at all. I only take supplements. I do get my annual check-ups. I do have my blood tested, etc. so that I can find a balance between the different modalities of medicine.

I have written before about the power we, as individuals, possess to make clear, conscious choices. Follow your heart and listen to what it is telling you. Are you willing to make the effort to change, to shift a lifestyle, to adjust your eating habits?

I told my family member that even though the doctor had prescribed the medication, as a preventative – yes, a preventative – each of us has the choice on whether we want to take it or not. We have the choice to make the change. If you put a bandage on a wound that has not been cleaned first, it will only fester. We need to clean out what is causing the wound, to take care of it, find the reason for the problem, and work on clearing it completely so that we won’t need a bandage.

Your choice.

I know it is not always an easy one, but why not give it a chance? After all, it’s your health and well being.

Your quality of life.

[tags]quality of life, prescription drugs, health, medication, acupuncture, well being, heart attach, high blood pressure[/tags]

Author: Christina Souza Ma

Christina has lived many lives – from professional Cosmetologist, L’Oreal’s Technical Commercial Director of South East Asia, Hair and Make-up designer behind the camera, to Actor and Body worker. Many years ago, Christina had a vision to create an entity that would

2 Responses to “Prescription Drugs and Our Health”

  1. Great content. Looking for some nutrition materials when I stumbled across your site.

  2. Christina says:

    Welcome, and thank you for joining us here at Yogahub. We hope that you will let us know what your interests are in the areas of Wellness and Balance.

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