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Java Jive
I was surfing the web recently and came across a list of awareness months for 2009. Curious to find out what was coming up, I scrolled down to March and noticed that one of the listed awareness events was “National Caffeine Awareness Month.”
Hmmmmm…. For a serious caffeine addict (and I mean “serious” – if I couldn’t drink it, I’d hook myself up to a caffeine drip!), I thought that merited further investigation.
Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea after all since “National Caffeine Awareness Month” obviously wasn’t promoting coffee! The Caffeine Awareness Association calls caffeine an addictive beverage that can have long-term harmful effects on people who depend on it.
I’m one of those dependent people. Coffee is my drug of choice and it helps get me through the day. (I’m taking sips of coffee as I write this.) I’ve been having a passionate affair with it for what seems like forever. This affair of the heart started when I was in my late teens. My Dad used to perk coffee in the mornings and I’d wake to the wonderfully aromatic spell of it wafting through the house..mmmmmm…. He’d bring Mumsie, my sister and me coffee in bed so that we could start the day right. And the tradition continues to this day with my husband bringing me coffee in bed in the mornings – although in his case I think he wants to make sure I start the day as a civilized human being!
I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, I try to eat balanced meals, and I exercise regularly thanks to my yoga classes. I also try to keep my java intake at three to four cups a day, which I think is pretty good considering I used to drink about nine cups a day when I was in my 20’s (that was when I was younger and more foolish, as opposed to now being older but none the wiser).
But now I’m being told that I need to cut down on my precious coffee? My life’s sustenance?
Sorry – can’t do it. No offence to the Caffeine Awareness Association but java and I are inseparable. Of course, I recognize that I sound like an addict, but there really are some things in life that are non-negotiable – and giving up my coffee is one of them!
Now that I’ve got that off my chest, I’m going to – you guessed it – refill my coffee!
[tags]national caffeine awareness month, caffeine awareness association, caffeine addiction, morning coffee[/tags]