
A New House

John Sovec

Paint RollerSo we bought a new house – and it is quite an adventure. I had been warned by lots of people that it would be a trying and challenging experience, but I felt that with all of my connection to my yoga practice and meditation, I would be well prepared for the transition.

Boy – was I wrong! It is amazing how completely energy altering a move can be, especially when the move is from being a renter to being a homeowner. Suddenly, everything feels different and a whole set of new expectations arise, not only from outside but from inside as well. There is always something to do and, when you realize that you own the house, you want to do it well so that it reflects your care for your living space.

Here’s an example: The other day I was painting a closet and thinking, “This is going to make my house so pretty”. But when I told my friends this, they thought I was crazy. “Who’s going to notice the inside of a closet”, one of my friends asked. My answer was “I will”. But of even more importance to me was that I knew if I did not do it, then I had not put my best effort into completing things in the way I wanted.

So pay attention to the corners, the closets, the backs of cupboards – and the basement of you.
[tags] pride of home ownership, buying a house, home improvement, new house adventures[/tags]

Author: John Sovec

John Sovec is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher serving the community of Pasadena. In his therapy work John specializes in focusing clients on uncovering their personal strengths, building upon those strengths, and encouraging clients to live the best lives…

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