Category: Understanding Yoga

One Love, Many Purposes

Paloma Chavez
scorne.jpg"I never would have thought 15 years ago that I would have developed a sense of purpose around service the way that I have," she says. "And it took me many years of yoga and guidance to help direct me into that part of my passion today." Seane Corn This is a quote from the Los Angeles Times article “Seane Corn”A World Beyond Yoga” I...
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January Yoga Events

Paloma Chavez
janevents.jpgLooking for unique ways to begin your New Year? We have recently updated our calendar with the following events that are sure to clarify and rejuvenate your personal and yoga goals for 2008. (more…)
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Meditation Assistance

Paloma Chavez
ymeditation.jpgStillness, breath, reflection, knowledge, gratitude. These are my working words, the ones that today I am calling upon to deepen my daily practice. Do I repeat them, listen to them, or roll them around in my body through each yoga pose? Am I meditating on them before, after, or during? Or perhaps I am just thinking too much of how to “think” about them? How do we use meditation in our practice? Continue Reading: Meditation Assistance