Tag Archives: transition

Sleep Like a Dolphin, Naturally

Anatara Buckley
Imagine waking up each morning with only a few things to be aware of… As a dolphin you are aware, through telepathic and feeling ‘sensors’, of the other members of your pod swimming around you. You are aware of the ‘plan’ for the pod that reveals itself as each moment presents itself. You are aware that when required, you will decide to rise to the surface of the water and take...

Watching Things Change

Anatara Buckley
The world as we know it is changing in so many ways… This flux is not new. The flow from one experience to another is part of the timelessness of our existence. That we have changing needs, changing habits and changes in friendship, career and location is all normal. And yet it feels as if there are bigger changes afoot all around us right now. When we feel a new and dynamic form...
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