Tag Archives: pain relief

Interprofessional Education Award

Neil Pearson
On Friday May 25th, I was honoured to receive the Excellence in Inter-professional Pain education award from the Canadian Pain Society. I am the first physical therapist to receive this award, and I believe the first educator who is not an academic-researcher, so it is a very special honour. As part of the award, I shared a 45-minute presentation at the conference, so I thought I would write a summary...

Pain Care For Children

Neil Pearson
One of the most informative sessions, for me, at the 2012 Canadian Pain Conference was a session on acute pain care for children. A number of doctors offered research evidence and experiences about how children with acute injuries are provided pain medications. Like many people in the audience, I was shocked to hear that the average time a child in an emergency room waits before receiving pain medications is two...
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