Tag Archives: hope

Shediac, New Brunswick

Neil Pearson
Shediac, New Brunswick, is the Lobster Capital of the World. This small resort region on the east coast of Canada booms from a population of less than 10,000 in the winter to over 50,000 in the summer, when the days are long and warm, and the ocean beaches are packed with sun- and seafood-seekers. At the city’s western limit there is a giant crustacean guardian. The biggest lobster (no doubt)...
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Neil Pearson
It seems that hope may be one of the biggest reasons why we have not advanced pain science, education, research and policy in society, in higher education, and in research. It’s not my intention to point fingers here. Rather, it is to ask those reading to seriously consider the impact of ‘no strong message of hope’ in the area of pain management. When there is no hope for change, doesn’t hope become...
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Neil Pearson: Blogging Begins

Neil Pearson
Finally, after a few years of good intentions, I am sitting down to blog. According to a quick internet search, this means that I am going to share ideas, information, opinions, and reflections. From a personal perspective though, much of what I intend to share is being passed on through me to you from my colleagues, teachers, patients and students. There will be some thoughts I consider my own too,...