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Prescott Film Festival
As I have previously mentioned, I was invited to the Prescott Film Festival with the co-directors of the film The Red Machine on December 16th. On the Tuesday morning before the festival, the three of us started heading to Prescott, Arizona by car, stopping at a couple of places to enjoy the trip and take pictures, while talking a lot along the way for eight hours. Close to Prescott, there were several places that were so breathtaking that we all became quiet and just enjoyed the view. I also enjoyed seeing some snow on the mountain close to the town, which made me feel a little bit sentimental as it reminded me of my hometown.
As soon as we arrived, I knew I’d like this cute little town with a lot of illuminations for Christmas. The director of the film festival and her family invited us for the dinner on that day. After enjoying the conversation and meal, we headed back to the hotel, where we had an interview for podcasting through Skype for an hour or so. It was the very first podcasting interview for me, so I am hoping it turned out well. The interviewers of this podcasting are planning to put the interview on their website next weekend or so. I can’t wait to be reminded about what I said(!?)
Next morning, the three of us and the director of the film festival headed to a TV station in Prescott, where we had an interview for the live morning show on TV that aired all over in Arizona. I was so excited to see how GOOD the anchormen were!! They prepared a few questions for each of us and started having a real conversation. There were some moments where I had a very short answer but they quickly changed the topic. I was totally relieved from the pressure that I thought would require me to talk a lot. And when I gave a slightly different answer to a question one of the anchorman asked, it made all of us laugh, so I guess we all had a great time!?!? At least I had such a wonderful time there!!
We checked the theatre after the TV interview and then went on a tour in Prescott. After having a short rest at the hotel, we went back to the theatre to attend the festival. The directors brought two costumes that I wore during the filming, so we placed them in the lobby and had some posters on the wall to welcome the audience.
There was one short film, followed by the feature of our film on that day. After the films, we had a Q&A on the stage. WOW! There were tons of questions coming from the audience! It seemed like they were so enthusiastic about our film! I am so glad everyone liked it:)
After our breakfast the next morning, we started heading back to LA. This time we took a different route, partially on Historical road Route 66, and we again stopped at several places to take pictures. There were so many things we talked about and I really enjoyed the journey on the road with the co-directors. I felt blessed and felt like I was in a dream. At the same time I recognized that I do love being involved in anything with film or entertainment. It must be my calling.
I thank Spteh, Alec, Helen, Chris, Wes – and all the people who are a part of my life and have spent so much effort to make this happen.
Happy holidays everyone…and lots of love.
[tags]the red machine, prescott film festival, podcasting, feature film, Q&A[/tags]