Category: Benefits of Yoga

Yoga and Glaucoma

Francesca Silva
Our treadmill arrived last week, and Hubby and I have now settled into a routine. It’s working out very well so far but I still miss my yoga, so I decided to do some research to see if there are any types of yoga I could do that would not adversely affect my eyes. Really, if I’d taken a bit of time to think about it, the solution would have...
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Capture the Flag!

Francesca Silva
capture-the-flag.jpgLast weekend, we celebrated my niece’s birthday with a BBQ at one of the local beaches. As usual, we had too much food - steaks, chicken, corn-on-the-cob, and lots of veggies roasting on the BBQ, all washed down with pop and juice. After eating ourselves silly, the kids went off to play while the adults lolled about chatting and trying to digest all the food we’d consumed. But when some of us started to drift...
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Yoga for Writers

Allistair Santiago
yoga-for-writers.jpgThis week I suck. I’ve got writer’s block. Actually, it’s a bit more than that. It’s more like a general creativity block. I hate it. The more agitated I get, the heavier the block becomes, so naturally I’ve done nothing but agonize over it, which has only succeeded in deepening this hole. It’s been this way for a few days now. I’ve been staring at the same unyieldingly blank screen and daunted by the same...
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Yoga for Backaches

Francesca Silva
side-angle-pose.jpgAs you read this, I should be on my Mediterranean cruise, relaxing and having a great time with my husband. A few weeks before leaving, I went to get my hair done so that I could at least look halfway decent during my holiday. While my hairdresser was cutting my hair, I noticed that she winced and grimaced a few times. When I asked her what was wrong, she...
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Yoga for Asthma

Francesca Silva
Asthma InhalerI have asthma – have had it ever since I was young. While most people take breathing for granted, those of us who have asthma know exactly how it feels to struggle for breath while trying hard not to panic. Most of the time, I have my asthma under control and can pretty much anticipate what’s going to set it off – usually the change in weather. Perhaps living in a country where we...
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Stress Relief through Yoga

Allistair Santiago
crossed-legs.JPGLike I said in my last blog post, it's been a while since my last yoga class. I got totally stressed out over my animation portfolio and couldn't make it to yoga class for a couple weeks. But that's over, and I made it back to my yoga studio for one of their meditative Yin classes just recently. Now, I don't know what I expected, but yoga was more difficult than I remembered it being....
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Can Yoga Cure My Headaches?

Francesca Silva
headaches.jpgI get headaches all the time. “Cluster headaches” is what my doctor calls them. I know that stress, lack of sleep, injuries to the body, eye strain, weather changes, menopause, allergies to certain food – any and all of these can cause headaches. The funny thing is that I can be headache-free for months and then suddenly, without any prior warning, I get a series of really bad headaches that completely debilitate me...
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I Hate Colds!

Francesca Silva
AMGT_colds_03.10.09.jpgSo much for patting myself on the back after getting an A+ from my doctor a couple of weeks ago. Last week, I was feeling very sorry for myself because I’d come down with a cold. Nothing serious – just a common cold. But I hate colds. I hate feeling all stuffed up and I hate the pounding headaches that inevitably come with colds – my colds anyway. Continue Reading: I Hate Colds!