
A Thoughtful Yoga Magazine

Paloma Chavez

layoga.jpgAs we explore numerous research materials to bring you interesting and fun information about yoga and a balanced lifestyle, one of the best resources has been the LA Yoga magazine. At the recent SYTAR event, we had the great opportunity to meet with Felicia M. Tomasko, RN at their LA Yoga table.

On a regular basis I seek out this magazine for some of the most unique and thoughtful articles, up-to-date calendar of events, practice pages, ayurveda information and so much more. And one of the extraordinary features of this magazine is that parts of it are in Spanish. What a recognizable effort to reflect the diverse communities of Los Angeles.

Meeting Ms. Tomasko confirmed my expectations of an open and generous leader of the yoga community. She didn’t hesitate and was enthusiastic about allowing us to interview her for our online community and we will be sharing her good words with you soon. Check out this months edition that feature articles about eco-tourism, a memorium for Maharishi Mahesh and the entertaining musings of Beth Lapides.

And for those of us living in Los Angeles and neighboring communities we can pick up it up for Free!

[tags] LA Yoga, Felicia M Tomasko, Beth Lapides, Maharishi Mahesh, yoga magazines, eco tourism

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