
Your Green Commitment

Paloma Chavez

earthpic.jpgEach year in April, we celebrate the richness and spirit of the earth. On a local, national and global field individuals are creating projects, websites, gatherings and environmental statements on behalf of Earth Day. I want to share with you over the next week as we build up to April 22 some of the sites and information that I found inspiring, humorous or informational.

A great place to start is with LA Yoga’s Annual Earth Day April issue. According to their editor, “ How we place our feet on the Earth, pour water through our faucets, treat the land and our sacred space are some of the topics in this issue.” One such article is about yoga teacher Hazel Patterson. “Patterson practices this adherence to ahimsa (nonviolence) toward animals, teaches it as a value in her yoga classes and extends this commitment to ahimsa toward her relationship with the Earth.”

Read how an LA Grad student shares her commitment to providing green alternatives for food, the environment, solar panels and eco-friendly shoes at Emerald City of the Los Angeles Times. A good selection of product reviews, online eco-friendly give-aways and an updated calendar of green events.

Lots of good information, more to share.

[tags] Earth Day, green information, green yoga, LA Times, LA Yoga, Emerald City [/tags]

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