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Yoga Birthday
I’m an April baby. Coming to life with the first blasts of green windy spring days. Anyone who knows me would probably describe me as truly possessing the energy of this season: quick-sprouting, excited by the wind, forever hopeful of what’s being created!
But Spring is not eternal, I remind myself as I blow out my birthday candles. Nor is my body, no matter how much yoga I do. Nor is my mind, which already retains less as I try re-memorize Sanskrit grammar rules I thought I learned last year.
My Polish family and friends sing “Sto Lat” to me, translated as “May You Live 100 Years.” I inform them that medical reports now predict a life span of 120 for our generation. Seems like a long time, but if true, I may linger in the “Spring” of my life for a little longer!
-Margaret “saraswati”