
Sun Stand Still in Winter

Paloma Chavez
soltice.jpgThis is the literal Latin meaning of the word solstice (sol -sun, sistere – standing). Between December 20 and 23 the Winter Solstice is celebrated throughout the Northern Hemisphere (Southern Hemisphere celebrates June 20-23).  This time has commonly been known for  mid-winter celebrations such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and  Kwanzaa.

In ancient cultures the Winter Solstice was considered as a turning point in the year. Many communities centered their most holy and sacred buildings such as tombs and temples upon the direct alignment with the solstices.  Today, we simply define this day as “the shortest day, the longest night.” Or more scientifically “the earth leans slightly on its axis…it’s 23 degrees and 27 minutes off the perpendicular to the plane of orbit. ‘’

I pause to think of our Winter Solstice as an opportunity to take notice of the mysterious forces of nature.  That although we may try to implore, seduce and at times even demand a shift within Nature, it is its own master.

In some countries, it is a time for blessing the apple trees, or where families built fires “to help the sun (and Goodness) battle darkness (thought evil).” Found within each of these Winter Solstice celebrations is the idea of rebirth, rejuvenation and the return of the light.

We at YogaHub offer our prayers and meditations for a more peaceful planet and honor the individual faiths and beliefs of our YogaHub community as we all prepare for a healthier, and more balanced future.


[tags] winter solstice, yoga practice, meditations, winter holidays [/tags]

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