
Yoga and the Technology of Connection

Margaret Kruszewska

Yoga and TechnologyBeing “connected” took on a whole new meaning in my yoga practice during the past few weeks. My ever-glowing laptop experienced “the blue screen of death” (as my wonderful IT producer called it!) So you may have noticed I’ve not posted new blog entries.

Many of us who were reluctant to embrace all the new- fangled technology everyone else was so enamored with (I still don’t have an iPod, OK?!) have in fact gotten quite used to it. Certainly much of my time these days is spent researching and connecting with yoga communities, locating information about yoga, health and spiritual practices via my laptop. So not being able to look up medical articles, information on new yoga products, reviewing books on yoga and tracking yoga conferences became, well, an almost impossible task.

When I ran a yoga studio, I received such information through snail mail, or by someone dropping off flyers announcing yoga related events. In some ways, we were more connected that way because there was that extra effort to actually meet one another. This certainly works for a neighborhood yoga studio and I believe it is why we continue to see small yoga studios cropping up everywhere. The need to check in with a real person remains most important, especially since we can spend our days thinking we are connected, and yet, with one flick of a blue screen, we’re not.

But I’m very glad to be re-connected, sitting in my living room knowing I don’t have to step outside in the pouring rain to find a community of listeners and writers who are also connecting around yoga.

-Margaret “saraswati”

One Response to “Yoga and the Technology of Connection”

  1. raashmi says:

    I’m from India and find your posts very interesting, I must say.
    I’ve left you a comment on one of your old posts ‘Yoga: What is said, and what is done’

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