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The Hills Are Alive…
Okay, I’ll admit – I am an unabashed fan (fanatic?) of the Sound of Music. I’ve seen the movie at least a dozen times, know all the songs and lyrics, have read the biographies written by the actual Von Trapp mother and eldest daughter – and even performed the famous “Do-Ri-Mi” on the steps of Mirabel Gardens when Hubby and I visited Salzburg a few years ago (Hubby filmed this from a safe distance)!
So when I heard that the Sound of Music Sing-a-long was coming to town, of course I just had to be there. Before you could warble “Do-Ri-Mi”, I’d bought tickets for Mumsie, my cousin, her daughter and myself (for some unfathomable reason, Hubby bowed out). And when I heard that there’d be a costume competition my imagination went wild. Initially, I wanted to go as the Lonely Goatherd but changed my mind when I found out how much a pair of lederhosen would cost. Then I thought we could go as “old goats” but that was quickly vetoed by the rest of the bunch (can’t think why). Eventually, we decided to dress up as nuns – three “naughty novices” with their Mother Superior (Mumsie, of course).Thank goodness my sister was here – in no time at all, she whipped up four nuns’ habits for us.
We had a blast! Who knew there were so many other SOM fanatics in this world? It was a full house and everyone sang along loudly and proudly, regardless of whether they could carry a tune – the enthusiasm was what counted. We all cheered the heroes and booed and hissed at the villains – some of us (who will remain nameless) even mouthed most of the script!
We didn’t care that we didn’t win best costume; the winners were a group of girls who came dressed as the Alps – brilliant!
We had a great time laughing, singing and cheering along. It was just what we needed to warm our hearts and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. We all need to take time to enjoy and appreciate our precious gift of life. When was the last time you really let your hair down and had fun?
[tags]Sound of Music, Do-Ri-Mi, Von Trapp mother, Mirabel Gardens, Mother Superior[/tags]