
The Giving Message of Yoga

Paloma Chavez

Bunch of Shoes“That’s the message of yoga – not only looking out for yourself, but globally as well.” ~Michelle Pietrzak-Wegner

Yoga teacher Michelle Pietrzak-Wegner was deeply moved by the plight of survivors of the natural disasters that occurred in Myanmar and China earlier this year. In an effort to provide some solace to them, she joined forces with Souls4Soles, an international charity organization that provides shoes to people in need.

Michelle immediately initiated a month-long shoe drive from her yoga studio in Shavertown, PA. She started by making calls to members of her yoga studio and the local community, and estimated that she would be able to collect about 300 pairs of shoes. Instead, she was surprised and delighted to discover that her pleas were passed on beyond her immediate circle. In a matter of days, she was receiving calls of support from local organizations who wanted to join her efforts. By the end of her shoe drive, Michelle was able to send 1,600 shoes to Souls4Soles, who will be dispersing them not only to Asia but also to the residents of Iowa, who have recently been experiencing severe flooding.

Click here to find out more about Michelle Pietrzak-Wegner and this worthwhile charity.

[tags]Souls4Soles, international charity organization, natural disasters, Michelle Pietrzak-Wegner, giving shoes, yoga teacher [/tags]

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