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As a yoga student, what part of the practice has challenged you the most - the physical movements or the simple act of being present on the mat?
Recently, an influx of new but seasoned yoga students have started joining my classes. I am thrilled to see new faces as it is always exciting to connect with other yogis and yoginis.
Often, these students will ask which of my classes is the...

I began studying Reiki and energy healing well over ten years ago. At first, I was really skeptical. I just didn’t see how someone placing their hands on me would have ANY healing benefits, much less MANY healing benefits. But I have always been open-minded and willing to try new things.
Since that time I have learned about how the body works energetically, and how a positive mind and relaxed body can...

I have been privy to a situation in which a child has been removed from his parents and put into a foster home. What must that be like for this young spirit, this young growing mind? I realize that removing a child from an abusive situation, until the courts are able to appoint full custody to who they feel is the right parent to raise the child safely and lovingly,...

One thing that I have learned over the last 14 years of owning my studio is that an all levels or combination class is a very important factor. Many of struggle to get every student we can possible get to walk through the door so we aren’t going to turn them a way and tell them that the Beginner’s class is tomorrow night, they may not come back again. Many...

When you look deeply into your soul, or when you relax and dream about what you really want… what are you hungry for? What do you want to ‘eat’ that will fill your heart with satisfaction?
When there is hunger, it usually means that there is something that we need. Something that we hunger for. It could be food, Love, friendship, or a satisfying job that we are hungering for. It is this...

Every year, I try to give my studio a little perking-up in some way. It can be as simple as just a thorough cleaning to refinishing the wood floor. This year, over our winter break, I decided that after five years it was time for some fresh paint on the walls. Now, this task is kind of a stressful one for me because I am always so indecisive about colors,...

That’s a mouthful — “the Day We Share How Much We Love Each Other”…
As I write this, my heart is filling. I can feel the Love bubble up through my chest and into my throat as my head expands into the space of Love all around me.
I’ve been thinking about Christmas. For so many years, I have wanted to be able to express what it means to me. Is it Love? Is...

Living in today’s world of hustle and bustle, sitting still is one of the hardest lessons that must be learned. I often remind my students that, even when they believe they are relaxed, they may not be. In fact, most aren’t. It is an exercise as much as any other exercise. We, as a people, have a difficult time just being still. It seems there are always errands to run...

After hearing all the drama and controversy going on in the yoga community this week — you know, the whole Yogaglo trying to patent their camera angles thing, and yet another famous yoga teacher thinking it is okay to have sex with students — I started questioning whether or not we should be looking at reality tv for yoga.
All the disappointment from so many people. It is sad to know that...

When I first began teacher-training years ago, I seemed to be a natural at most of the poses. I had a battle with a few of them but, for the most part, I just seemed to get the mechanics of the poses. Some even laughed and told me that I must have been a yogi in another life.
But there was one pose that seemed to be so elusive to me — bakasana,...