Category: Thoughtful Yoga

Considerations and ponderings while conducting your daily practice.

Breathing Is for Living: Part 2

Anatara Buckley
What is your breath doing? We have established previously that the breath is not only vital to the survival of our physical being, but that it is also vital to the sustenance and maintenance of our spiritual and emotional bodies. When the breath is fluid within us, encountering no obstacles or blockages, we can utilize the oxygen, prana and renewing energy of the breath, unencumbered. In this case, the breath is pure nourishment. It...

2012, Apocalypse or Not?

Anatara Buckley
Being patient while the shift happens… I know many people who feel that they are not ‘doing’ enough right now. They feel that there simply must be something that they should be actively engaged in, something that, in the ‘doing’, is working for the greater good. Many sense that there is deep planetary change afoot. They can feel themselves perched on the cusp of a change. The change seems imminent. The change...
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Gaining Through Death

Anatara Buckley
Last week, here in Canada, there was a death that moved many right across the country… It was movement of the people’s hearts and minds in response to the loss of a man who believed in unity and fairness above all else. Jack Layton was a father, a deeply affectionate husband, and a grass roots organizer, always bringing to the fore the true needs of some of the often ignored members...
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Anatara Buckley
What do you believe in? What do your beliefs do for you? Does it feel like your beliefs help you? If you changed some of your beliefs, would it change your life? It is so comforting to have something to believe in. It is so rewarding to believe that we know what to do, and that we are making an accurate and valid decision. When there is a strong 'reason' behind a choice, we feel...
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It’s Raining Responsibility

Megan Mcdonough
We celebrated my daughter’s Sweet Sixteen birthday with a weekend in New York City for just the two of us. One plan of many, squeezed into a short 48 hours, was to grab a cup of coffee and have breakfast near (instead of at) Tiffany’s. We got rained out, though. The rain poured down in buckets, pounding at our umbrellas as we waded down the street to the Metropolitan Museum...

Why Get Angry, Turn to Harmony

Anatara Buckley
What polar bears and mammoths share with us... We all have the tendency to express anger about certain things. Some things just push our ‘buttons’, making us want to react with angry words or outbursts of loud and aggressive behaviour. This anger usually feels justified. It feels as if we have the ‘right’ to be angry about whatever it is that has triggered our anger. And it also feels as if taking...

Can Death Be a Transition as Magnificent as Birth?

Anatara Buckley
Becoming Familiar with the Transition of Dying...

I was asked recently by a friend to start writing about being a ’midwife’ for the life transition of death. That almost sounds impossible to imagine… ”The life transition of death.” How is death a part of life? Really, it is a completely natural progression of thought…we live, therefore we die. Death is possible as the completion of the harmonious cycle, which is life. Life and...

Affirmation of Life

Francesca Silva
Well, that last year whipped by so quickly that it just about gave me whiplash! It was a tough year. We had some personal health challenges and lost dear, close friends, both of whom were only in their late 40’s and early 50’s. One loss was quite unexpected and left us feeling bereft, reeling from the shock. (more…)
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Getting Stronger

Christina Souza Ma
So this trip with my mother, I had no idea what to expect. We have not traveled together alone for many years…almost 25 years, although she has been to visit me wherever I’ve resided. I know for a fact that she does what she can living alone. She used to do her daily routine of a Chinese Form called “Luk Toong Kuen”, but has since only committed herself to certain parts...
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Traveling Back in Time

Christina Souza Ma
My mother and I are traveling along the Amalfi coast, taking in its breathtaking beauty. So much history in this area of Napoli (Naples). Never in my life have I had to do so much translating for my mother. Not only is she hard of hearing but when English is a second language, that surely does not help matters. (more…)
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