Using Yoga To Relieve Stress

oo often, we are so consumed by work that we forget to take care of our health, especially in highly stressful environments. The pace of our lives is speeding by faster and faster, and the amount of stimuli that we are exposed to on a day-to-day basis is increasing. As a result, the amount of stress that we are experiencing may sometimes feel out of balance. To recreate a sense of balance, more and more health practitioners from various disciplines are beginning to suggest using [post-img]yoga to relieve stress. The benefits of yoga meditation can serve to quiet the mind and help you maintain balanced emotional levels when you are experiencing stress. The more familiar you become with yoga, the more versatile your practice of it can become.  

Doing some yoga at the office can help you lower your stress at the workplace. Doing yoga at home can help you prepare for your day in the morning or unwind from an exhausting day before bedtime, thereby helping you achieve a deeper and more peaceful sleep.

[tip-fact]There are some simple yoga poses, known as asanas, that you can do to help you release the
stress from your body. The most effective sitting or standing positions derive from Hatha yoga and consist of 10 to 30 sitting and standing positions, which can be learned in a class setting or from
an instructional Video/DVD.

[b-quote]When you begin to practice yoga, it is vital that you keep in mind your status as a beginner and take a thoughtful approach to yoga. You must not push yourself too harshly, but allow yourself to build up your strength slowly and gently.          

Regular practice of these exercises, in combination with specific breathing techniques, is very important to your well-being. You should always pay attention to your breathing, learn to become deliberate with your breathing techniques, and contemplate the functions that proper breathing serves. When you breathe deeply, you supply blood to the brain as well as to the nerves, which helps your body physically maintain balance when it is stimulated by stress. Increasing your skills at breath control is instrumental in teaching your body to maintain control of your thoughts and emotions.