Join us in a conversation with Michael Kearney,MD, Internal Medicine and Palliative Care
Specialist. We will learn about the overlap between Earth-based Medicine and Buddhism and the applications...
There are so many shades of consciousness that we experience regularly. We can be wide awake feeling every nuance that our senses feed us. We can be...
Join us in a conversation with Frank Ochberg, MD, Psychiatrist. We will learn about the psychiatrist’s role in treating victims of kidnapping and sexual abuse by trusted...
Are you invested in certainties? Do you count on specific outcomes to the extent that it is unsettling if it doesn't come to pass? Being certain about...
There is something in each of us that makes us ask "why?”
We ask “why am I here?”
We ask “what do I need to do about my life? My relationship? My career?”
We ask “what should I do next?”
We are often quite unsettled or unhappy with many things in our lives… (more…)