Category: Yoga for Healing Injuries

Ayurveda Defines Three Root Causes of Disease

Chaya~Sharon Heller
Ayurveda’s first cause of disease is a mistake or misuse of the mind, where one observes or perceives incorrectly. When we try to solve it by suppressing or thinking what to do about IT, that creates further fragments and divisions. Observe holistically, observe the whole movement of life as one; then conflict – with its destructive energy – not only ceases but also, out of that observation, gifts a totally new approach to life! The second cause of disease arises...

Breathing is for Living

Anatara Buckley
This comment seems almost redundant. In fact, how could we live if we were not breathing? And at the same time, it is a fact that we don’t always pay attention to this life-giving mechanism on which we are so dependent. I have spoken about the vital link that we have with our breath, and with our breathing before. It seems appropriate to revisit it here now. Every day, I talk with...
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IN GRATITUBE: Surgery and Superheroes

Glenn Wollman
Calculating the rate of bladder filling and hours before surgery, it was painfully obvious I would have to catheterize myself and penetrate the Three Gorges of Hell (see Act Three), hopefully, for the last time in this life time. I awoke early. Mission accomplished. Trying to remain in a very positive mental state,I crossed the Hospital threshold at 0500 hours. (more…)

IN GRATITUBE: A Nightmare Week

Glenn Wollman
IN GRATITUBE: A NIGHTMARE WEEK Act three: Time, in my mind, was moving at a different rate than real time. The reality of imminent surgery was circulating in my brain cells. Would it happen in hours or days? The Doctor held an anatomical model of the entire exposed male genitalia in front of my eyes. While focusing on the plastic model and relating it to my own anatomy, I learned that a green...

Magical Medical Tour: IN GRATITUBE

Glenn Wollman
Act one: Signs and Symptoms I was absorbing the beautiful light of a mid-May dusk when my right kidney decided to gift me with a nugget made of calcium oxalate (a chemical compound that forms needle-shaped crystals and is a major part of human kidney stones). I was grateful that the diameter of the tube (Right URETER) from my right kidney to my urinary bladder was larger than the diameter...

Getting Back to Yoga Again

Christina Souza Ma
It’s been an interesting journey for me these past few months. I had been wanting to return to my daily yoga practice with my partner and whoever else was interested in joining me. I used to have such a wonderful personal practice that was so inspiring and energizing, so to suddenly not have it was difficult. (more…)
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Body Talk – Are you listening?

Christina Souza Ma
downwardfacingdog.jpgDid you know that our bodies actually try to communicate with us? We body workers call it Body Wisdom. Well, I have to tell you, after the stress of these past few months when I’ve had to focus on work (sitting in front of a computer) - not just for YogaHub but for other businesses as well - my body is not happy with me. Continue Reading: Body Talk – Are you listening?